Herbert Smith Freehills

Herbert Smith Freehills is one of the world’s leading professional services businesses, bringing together the best people across our 27 offices, to meet all your legal services needs globally. We can help you realise opportunities while managing risk.

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Wednesday Oct 16, 2019

 Step inside Herbert Smith Freehills’ Disputes team’s approach to successfully defending the Costa Rican government against a group of American investors taking them to international arbitration over a property development. Hear everything, from where they started, to how they cross-examined witnesses as they won a landmark decision that will shape environmental protection globally.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019

A growing part of Herbert Smith Freehills’ work is creating proactive digital solutions for clients’ legal challenges. GDPR’s combination of potential for large fines and unclear policy on when a company is liable presented a challenge that could be solved digitally. Find out from our associate and trainee how they took the idea from paper to prototype.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019

Hear how Herbert Smith Freehills’ Corporate team helped Virgin Atlantic land an unusually complex acquisition of struggling airline Flybe in a case that led the national news. Our partner and trainee give you the insider’s perspective on this exciting case as it happened.

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